How to Get/Enable the Three Hidden Games & Play in Facebook Messenger – Chess, Basket ball, Soccer

By | April 24, 2016

Hi friend, Are you getting bore while chatting or playing the same games in your mobile phones at many times Right! Even though some people just do not have any games installed on their  mobile phone devices. Here I will tell you, Three hidden secret games are available in your Facebook Messenger Application. These three secret games are available by default and do not require any installation.


Most of the Facebook messenger  user’s may not know about these three hidden secret games that are included in their messenger. So, this article may help to you to get away from boring conversations or just the need for passing time.

    ## Hey!!! Make sure the latest version of  Facebook messenger is installed in your smart phone device ##

Here is how you can access and play and enjoy these games in your smart devices…

Game-1 :  # CHESS #

You can easily access the Facebook Messenger chess by typing a simple secret code in the chat field of any conversation. So that you can play the chess game.

The code for unlock that Chess game is : “@fbchess play”.

The game is little bit tricky and will need to ‘know, how to play the Chess game in that application. Now I will explain that procedure in step by step.

  • First of all open the updated version of FACEBOOK MESSENGER in your mobile, then just type@fbchess play”  into the field of the chat screen of the person you want to play with. Then you will get the Chess Board with the information as ‘started new game as White’ on your chat screen.


  •  Then the person that initiates the game will play White by default and is also allowed to make the first move the game.
  • In this game, every move of each chess piece or chessman needs to begin with the prefix as “@fbchess”.
  • Suppose, if wanna move your pawn [p] piece to square g3, you would use the command “@fbchess pg3”.
  • All elements, that are used in the standard chess game are given as below with their notation’s, which are used in this messenger application.
    • King (k)
    • Queen (Q)
    • Rooks (R)
    • Bishop (B)
    • Knight (K)
    • Pawn   (P)
  • Suppose, If you want to any help, just type “@fbchess help” in the respective chat filed of the screen.

More information….

  • Before starting the game, you can also possible to select the color of Chessman’s or Chess piece’s, for that you have to type “@fbchess play white” or “@fbchess play black”. If your not selecting anything then default color that is White type of Chessman’s will be allocated to you.
  • The code : “@fbchess stats”, is reveals the statistics of the players involved in the game.
  • You can also terminate your game at any time by simply typing the code as “@fbchess resign”.
  • Anyway  you can also continue having a conservation with your friend and make fun with your buddy.

Oh! oh! Your not much like as a Chess player???? No problem there is an another game in Facebook Messenger that is “BASKETBALL”.

Game-2 : # Basketball #

Now your landing into Basketball in Facebook Messenger, At the time of beginning, that your playing Basketball in this messenger, you may not be get much interest at first time but I’m sure, later you get more interest on this game rather than Facebook Chess game.

Well! Now I explain, how to unlock the Basketball and play in your Facebook messenger in step by step.

  • In first step, you have to launch your Facebook Messenger App in your smart phones and Tablet’s, after that load any conversion.
  • Now select the “Basketball” emoji that is available in keyboard. Then you have to send that Basketball emoji.
  • Launch the the Basketball by tapping on the basketball emoji that you just sent. Then you will get basketball  and a Hoop. It will show up in your chat screen.
  • Flip the Basketball with you finger to play the game and make fun with your smart phones and tablets devices.
  • You can get score when the ball lands up in the Hoop.

More information…

Suppose, if you done a goal then you get score as a point and respective standard of goal emoji popup’s will appear at the top of the hoop. If you loose, then you are get zero score with sad emoji’s. But it is not a easy game to play, At the time of begin it’s easy enough, until you reach a score of 10 points. After this score, the Basket starts moving sideways, at this time making short’s very difficult.

Well! generally every one mind thinking like to over come that difficulties. So, try better to over come the difficult shorts then you will get lot satisfaction.

Game-3 : # SOCCER #

For this game you need to select the soccer emoji from your mobile key pad and send to selected partner. Then tap on that emoji, then automatically game window will appear to play like as below.


Now try to start the game by taping the soccer ball with your fingers and enjoy. Here your goal should be, do not fall down the football. So, How may hits you do, then that much points you will get.

Tips : Better to start initially, by tapping at bottom of the ball to move up. Other wise, if  you tap at side edges, then  it will bounce in opposite direction towards the wall. Most of the times, if the ball hits the wall then you can not hit the soccer ball.

# Who can play this games???  Android, iphone, ipad and other tablet device user’s.

So, what are you waiting for, just download an updated version of Facebook Messenger at Google play store or App store.

“I  hope this Article will helpful to you! If you have any doubt’s, drop your queries as a comment below”.

Thank you!!

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